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Single Digital Gateway Project

SDG - Single Digital Gateway


SDG (Single Digital Gateway)

The Single Digital Gateway (SDG - Single Digital Gateway) is one of the initiatives included in the Strategy for the digital single market and aims to respond to the needs of greater mobility of European citizens and businesses as an incentive for the modernization of public administration and for the development of e-government strategies aimed at improving relationships with users.

The Single Digital Gateway aims to offer European citizens and businesses easy access to high-quality information and efficient online procedures based on the "Once Only" principle (OOTS – Once Only Technical System).

The objective of the OOTS system is to reduce administrative barriers and costs, allowing citizens and businesses to provide their data to public authorities only once, leaving them the burden of exchanging official data and documents (under user approval).

The objective of the SDG project is the complete harmonization and digitalisation, within December 2023, of 21 administrative procedures.

As part of the Veneto Region portal, the SDG procedures of interest are:

  • Registration of an employees with compulsory pension and insurance schemes (SDG procedure nr. 18)
  • Notification of end of contract with an employee (SDG Procedure No. 20)

Both correspond to the use of the "COVeneto" portal of the Veneto Region / Veneto Lavoro, for sending the mandatory communications of hiring and termination according to the so-called "UNILAV" ('standard' employment relationships) and "UNISOMM" ('temporary employment' relationships).

The SDG Gatway can be reached on the Your Europe page which displays the catalog of European digital services and the official logo of the project. From this, using a specific search engine, it is possible to access the italian SDG Service catalog exposeded by AgID and therefore to the various internal digital services.

Procedures 18 and 20 are both “declarative” in nature and so do not require OOTS proofs.