

Fitt english

FITT! – Forma il tuo Futuro!

Increasing the quality of apprenticeship  for vocational qualifications in Italy

Forma il Tuo Futuro! (FITT!) aims at increasing the quality of apprenticeships for vocational qualifications in Italy. The project is intended as a learning model for the development of further high quality apprenticeship models at a national level in Italy as well as at a European level to the European Alliance for Apprenticeship.
The project is supervised by Veneto Region which will carry out the two-year project on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs in co-operation with the German Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the German Society for International Co-operation (GIZ)
FITT! is co-financed by the Key Action 3 - support to policy - National Authorities for Apprenticeship of the Programme ‘Erasmus +' and intends to pilot initiatives, importing best experiences coming from food and hospitality sector of the German dual  system. 

The project refers to the services and tourism sectors which are important tenets of the Italian and, in particular, Venetian economy, where Vocational Educational Training (VET) has a great role in creating qualifications and competences.

Target groups
The target groups of the project and the pilot scheme are : VET bodies and professionals, to build their capacity to deliver quality training and effective support to SMEs; social partners to strengthen their role and facilitate transfer to other sectors and/or regions; SMEs, to support them in playing a more robust educational role and quality of their contribution to development of young human capital.
In addition, the actions are addressed to the youth and their family in order to appreciate the apprenticeship, as a solution to improve skills and knowledge and to enter easily the labour market.

FITT! is made by these phases: analysis of the German model, testing in Venetian SMEs and schools, reporting of activities and final evaluation.

The state of art of apprenticeship for vocational qualifications at the launch of the Italian reform on dual training, and proposals to improve the quality of the paths "FITT! Designing together the new apprenticeship in Italy".

Regione del Veneto - Dipartimento Formazione, Istruzione e Lavoro

Regione del Veneto – Dipartimento Formazione, Istruzione e Lavoro (IT)
Veneto Lavoro (IT)
BIBB – Bundesinstitute für Berufsbildung (DE)
GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (DE)

Associate partner:
Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca

Italian version